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Grab the weekend reflection Code

Je čas opäť premýšľať o poslednom týždni. Aké boli niektoré z pozitívnych vecí, ktoré sa stali? Čo ťa naozaj trápilo? Smiali ste sa? Plakať? Postavte sa na hlavu? Čokoľvek ste urobili minulý týždeň, chcem to počuť. Zapisovanie všetkých bláznivých vecí, ktoré sa stali za posledný týždeň, je dobrý spôsob, ako sa vysporiadať so stresom. Keďže naše životy sú rušnejšie a rušnejšie spolu s tým, je stres. Je čas nechať to všetko von, aby ste si mohli užiť víkend. Popadnite kód tlačidla, urobte svoj blogový príspevok a nezabudnite zanechať odkaz s pánom Lindy!

I can’t believe I’ve been doing this meme for 56 weeks now!

This week went by rather quickly and I was busy like usual. I think that is how I started last week’s weekend Reflection. Anyway, it seems like there was always something going on each day. but now all the days seem like a blur so I get them all confused.

One morning Chris slept in so I had to pick Courtney up from school. I still can’t remember which day that was. I had a home visit from Birth and Beyond, got a phone call from the OB clinic stating that my iron is low so now I have to take iron pills too, I’ve had diarrhea on and off all week along with contractions, Ciara has been impossible all week…okay now I am just listing randomly. let me explain this all a little better.

My home visit with Birth and beyond went pretty well. I filled out some more forms and answered a few more questions. then she said that the county is cutting funding and several people in Birth and beyond are going to lose their jobs. They are also going to have to shut down a few of their offices and might end all the home visits. funding is being cut all over this state. So they made t-shirts and are going to protest downtown during the hearing regarding this issue. Je to smutné. She told me that their main mission is to prevent child abuse and neglect. When they closed down one center in the area it effected over 100 families and the child abuse and child death statistics for that area went up. The county also wants to cut the data entry person who tracks all that information.


I have not been feeling the greatest this week. I am always tired, can’t eat much without getting diarrhea, and my contractions are getting harder and harder for me to control. welcome to the third trimester! I always have the worst time during my third trimester. When I was pregnant with Ciara I was hospitalized for pre term labor and dehydration about three different times during the last few months, but she was still born five weeks early. With Conan, when we found out we were having a boy the doctor wanted to play it safe and he put me on bed rest when I was about 28 weeks. I remained on complete bed rest with medication to help prevent contractions until I was 36 weeks. He was born two weeks later and was considered full term. When I was pregnant with Courtney my water broke unexpectedly at 36 weeks. She was my tiniest baby and only weighed 4lbs 9 oz. We had to take her to the doctor’s to get weighed every day until she was over 5lbs. So with all this diarrhea and contractions that I am having I am kind of worried about this one. also we are having another boy but this clinic hasn’t taken any precautions to prevent preterm labor unlike my old doctor. hopefully my son will hang in there for at least 6 more weeks. until then I will try to get more rest and drink more water. Oh, and my back is killing me because of all the contractions. and the kids did something with my heating pad! I hope I find it this weekend.

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Ciara is getting harder and harder to control. I swear she is going to make me lose my mind. yesterday I think I sent her to her room every 20 minutes. I quit counting to three with her. now it is just, “Go to your room.” The problem is she is so independent for being only 3. I know I should encourage her independence but it is getting her in trouble. For example, she likes to help herself to the refrigerator which should be fine but she helps herself to all the wrong foods! She likes to take the smart balance out and eat it strait out of the tub. one day she and Conan got the granola out of the pantry and had it all over podlaha. Už ma nepožiada o občerstvenie. Namiesto toho sa len pomáha a je to buď niečo, čo pre ňu nie je také dobré, alebo urobí veľký neporiadok. Je tiež trochu tyran. Včera ležala na vrchole svojho malého brata a vyzeralo to, že sa ho snažila uškrtiť. Neviem, prečo by to urobila. Tiež mu urobila tieto veci, uhryzla ho, prenasledovala ho paličkou, odobrala hračky od neho, vzala od neho jeho prikrývku a ona ho takmer každý deň tlačí. Je to veľmi citlivý malý chlapec, takže sa vždy drží pre seba. Namiesto toho plače. Neviem, či hľadá túto reakciu alebo čo. Obávam sa, že mu v týchto dňoch vážne ublíži. A ako bude okolo dieťaťa?

Courtney je takmer hotový so školou. Jej posledný deň je štvrtok. Včera šiesta ročník išiel do nášho miestneho vodného parku Sun Splash. Väčšinou zostala v lenivej rieke so svojím priateľom, ktorý nie je veľmi dobrý plavec. Aj keď bolo niekoľko vodných snímok, ktoré by si Courtney užili, som hrdý na to, že sa zasekla so svojím priateľom. Vo štvrtok tiež hrali malú hru pre prvých zrovnávačov, Pecos Bill. Pamätám si, že som čítal knihu, keď som bol malý. Počas posledného týždňa školy sa chystajú robiť nejaké čistenie, sledovať film a majú ešte jeden vystúpenie Pecos Bill. Pamätám si posledný týždeň v škole, keď som bol malý. Vždy sme mali zábavné veci, aby sme mohli ukončiť školský rok.

Súvisiace je vaša práca ohrozenie tehotenstva?

Chris dostal novú prácu so sieťou Dish Network. Som tak nadšená! Plata je približne rovnaká ako to, čo teraz zarába, ale konečne budeme mať lekárske výhody a bude pracovať na plný úväzok. Náš príjem zostane rovnaký, čo je v poriadku, ale výhody sú nadšení. Už žiadne praštěné lekárstvo! Sieť Dish je tiež veľká spoločnosť s kanceláriami po celej krajine a povedali mu, že po roku sa môže preniesť kdekoľvek v USA. Naším cieľom je presťahovať sa späť na Stredozápad o rok odteraz a vyzerá to, že to bude dosiahnuteľné! Tiež sa bude veľmi ťažko snažiť dokázať, aký dobrý je pracovník. Dúfajme, že keď prevedie, bude to viac ako len prevod. Chceli by sme, aby bol schopný získať povýšenie a zvýšenie, keď sa pohneme. Uvidíme!

I would love to hear about your week. join in and don’t forget to leave your link with Mr. Linky. (If it is working properly today.)

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Link to this post:Weekend reflection #56 – Preterm Labor, impossible 3 Year Old, and new Outlook for the Future


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